"Who Knows What Colors Today Will Bring"
Well, that sums up today's mode. It was like 60 degrees here yesterday...woohoo!
and now today it is bleak and rainy. Fine by me -but now it seems old man winter is due back tomorrow as they are calling for 3-6 inches of snow! But of course they are not always accurate
so- who knows?
The past few journal pieces are rather odd, I know. My oddities. BUT I put them up
on Etsy anyway. I don't really think they will sell
but- who knows?
I also wonder if they disrupt the groove, the flow (whatever there is of it) of
the other pieces in the shop. I wonder if that turns a buyer off, seeing both
Jeckyl and Hyde sides of an artist.
Who knows?
I've spent too much time pondering about the shop and what will make it
successful on even a small level.
(Something I swore I wouldn't do, but I can be rather obsessive by nature)
What are the best selling days and times? Besides the obvious weekends.
If I shrink the oddities (because of there blatant, loud use of color and weirdness)
do they have a better shot at selling?
Do the little Thumbnails catch the buyer's attention first- or is Titles that
tickles their fancy?
Why is it that some artists attract so many sales when they're work,
at least to me, seems just as odd, or on the other side of the
spectrum, just seems bland, or gerneric.
Who knows?
I do know I don't like feeling this way. I do know that it's important to me
to make this shop work and be successful on some level.
Not only because I really need the income, but also because I need to
feel that what I'm doing is worthwhile. I need to PROVE it to myself and my family.
I need to feel that all the time I spend painting, clipping, and pasting like some little
mental patient in need of therapy,
is not for nil.
I know-we do art because we have to. It's who we are. We do it for us.
Yet, sometimes that's just not enough for me.
And so here I am, still stuck wondering...
"What Colors Today Will Bring"
Who knows?