Friday, March 30, 2007


Feelin' Lucky? Get Lucky Now!
Just Click On the Link To The Right If Need be
Your Lucky Numbers Await!

It's Good To Be King!

"It's Good To Be King" D.Altaville c.2007
As you can see, my mood has improved in the last twenty-four hours.
What a difference a day makes!
It's the start of a glorious day, where all good things are possible and I'm
feelin' like a King! A Queen? No. Definately Kingly.
Hope You All Have Some Wonderful Royal Surprises Awaiting You Today!
And of course this little cutey will be on sale at etsy this weekend!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


"She Dreamed Of Houses" D.Altaville c.2007
I live in modest house. And I do thank God for the house I have. But I do share it with two teens, a preschooler, a big, hairy dog, and of course my hubby. And I have to say that
sometimes things can get a little hairy. (Beyond the dog that is! lol) And at those times
I yearn for more space. A small room to call a studio. A playroom for the little guy.
I long for peace and solitude and space. And so I dream of houses.
The perfect house. The perfect life. Little strife and little worries.
Of course, this is a tall order and no matter what the size of your house, it is not a cure all for all the other things you wish for your life. But it's nice to dream.
I have almost completed my current journal and though I will continue to do another, I feel that I want to go somewhere else with my mixed media paintings. Though not quite sure where.
My head is filled with ideas, yet executing them is another story.
And it unnerves me that I've yet to settle down with just one style and keep going with it
till I have a zillion pieces out the kazoo! I'm still in exploratory mode. Still trying to find myself, as an artist and sometimes as a person. This unsettles me. I am feeling frustrated and unsettled today. I feel short of time and balance. I feel selfish for wanting to be able to create all day long and not have to worry about real life things. And this is how I feel today.
And so I dream of houses, and finding my space, my niche. I dream of being a better mom, (ya know the TV kind), a better wife and a better artist. A successful artist.
I dream...knowing that this too shall pass and some of those dreams will come true.
And I think of the quote..."This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it."
And so I will try and rejoice for all I have here and now.
What do you dream of?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's Almost Planting Time!

"The Garden Made Her Heart Sing" D.Altaville c.2007
This is a painting that I finally finished, being inspired by the sweet smell
and sounds of Spring in the air! I was outside with the little guy yesterday,
drawing with chalk, singing songs, and noticing how brown and decayed
our front garden looked. You know it has that decayed look of winter.
But it's almost plantin' time! YAY! Soon we'll have that baby, bright and cheery
with little blooms! And speaking of older son has now had
two of his computer art pieces printed in a local paper! How cool is that?
My daughter, also an avid drawer and writer, also had a couple of poems in the
same publication. Isn't it great to see your children bloom?
That's what really makes my heart sing!
And of course this piece is up on my Art n Joy shop at etsy.
(I'm turning into quite the shameless promoter here. lol)
Hope everyone is bloomin with a song in their heart today!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


"Bird's Eye View"D.Altaville c.2007
This is for Illustration Friday...I Spy.
Imagine that....bluejude working in black and white! pretty egg-streme don't
ya think? lol

Monday, March 26, 2007

Here's To Good Fortune

"The Gypsy Fortune Teller" D. Altaville c.2007
A new journal page that I put up on Art n Joy at etsy. I like this one.
It was a very busy, creative weekend. This is good. My cough is still here. This is not good.
It is wearing me out! Do you think you can die from coughing? lol
Anyhooo....Hope everyone has Good Fortune coming their way this week!


"Butterfly Kisses" D.Altaville c.2007
Nothing Sweeter! And it can be yours by going to my Art n Joy etsy shop!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Go See The Gypsy Fortune Teller And Find Out!
Sure To Put A Smile On Your Face!

You can also click the Art n Joy Link to the right!

Friday, March 23, 2007


"SOAR With A Song In Your Heart"D.Altaville c.2007
This piece has been hangin' around for a while. And after seeing about 50 little
birdies, scattered about my lawn, that seemed to appear out of nowhere...I
was inspired to finish it off! And I have to say, I'm pretty happy with it
and with teh message.
The birdies are back! Hooray!
And of course it will be up on my Art n Joy shop this weekend if you
would like to have my birdies in your house!
Hope everyone is having a GREAT Friday!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Another journal page....about Time! Hard To Forget and Remember What Is Important is the message here. It seems time is on our minds a lot. Schedules, routines, appointments, art, family, life. Time to do this and time to do that. Time is hard to forget. AND there never seems to be enough time in the day, you hear so many people say. Time can slip away so fast that I think we need to remember what's important and spend our time focusing on those things.
And now it's time for me to have breakfast! lol Use your time wisely today and enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"I Know Why The Caged Baby Sings" D.Altaville c.2007
When I started this journal page, I knew immediately what the title would be.
I even laughed out loud over it. And it continued to make me smile until I
worked it to completion. But I guess not everyone shares my odd sense
of humor. As he remains an orphan on the moment anyway.
But I had lots of fun doing him and I guess that's what counts!
Funny too, how my vintage images are starting to creep back
into my art. I have a few more I'm working on that hopefully will done
by week's end.
OH and thanks Nancy Baumiller who had sent me
some goodies a while back, of which I used a couple on this page.
AND since I'm still stuffy and coughing...(does a cold ever end?) ...I needed
something to make me smile today. So he was my pick!
Hope your day is full of smiles! And cold free!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


"3 Thoughts 4 A Fond Hope" D. Altaville c.2007
First I have to say, God is awesome! He is doing so many wonderful things in my life
right now, even as we speak! And He has blessed me with wonderful blogging friends
who have encouraged and inspired me with their kind support of my art.
And for that, I Thank You All.
And I just found out that Underwired Magazine will be using one of my pieces for
their Feature Illustration Page. How cool is that?
I also have something comeing out in the Spring Art Erraticus Zine. Be sure to check it
out as it is a great publication with lots of inspiring eye candy!
And with the help of the Great Divine and my wonderful blogging friends,
Art n Joy seems to be rolling along.
So even though it is 34 degrees here on the first day of Spring, and I have
this nasty chest cold, and a sick child and hub, I am optimistic about what
this new season will bring!
And now I'm off to the doc....Happy Spring Everyone and Thanks Again
for your kind support!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Are you spring cleaning, organizing, redecorating? Or perhaps you're not quite there yet and JUST feel the need for a jolt of Spring. You feel the need for a little Spring in your step and a little Spring in your life. Well, come on by Art n Joy today and see the little lovelies that I will be putting up that just shout Spring!!
Really. I'm buried in snow, have a chest cold- AGAIN- and they even make me smile when I look at them. So stop on by and check 'em out!
Just click on the Art n Joy link to the right!
See ya there.....

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Today I will be at Art n Joy putting up new art, including one of my favorite pieces called

"I Know Why The Caged Baby Sings"

So stop on by and take a peek! Lot's of fun stuff!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Expect Good Things!

"Expect Good Things" D. Altaville c.2007
A brand new day and I'm feelin' good!
Despite the fact that it's now snowing and we are supposed to get 18 inches by tomorrow!
And despite the fact that my three kids are home from school and already whining!
Despite the fact that I have a nagging toothache!
Despite the fact that I have a ton of housework and laundry to do when I all I really
wanna do is be ALONE and create!
Yes, despite all this...I'm Expecting Good Things To Come My Way!
Expect Good Things can be your mantra as well.
Just visit my Art n Joy etsy shop tomorrow and she can be yours!
Wishing you all Good Things today!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Who Knows?

"Who Knows What Colors Today Will Bring"
Well, that sums up today's mode. It was like 60 degrees here yesterday...woohoo!
and now today it is bleak and rainy. Fine by me -but now it seems old man winter is due back tomorrow as they are calling for 3-6 inches of snow! But of course they are not always accurate
so- who knows?
The past few journal pieces are rather odd, I know. My oddities. BUT I put them up
on Etsy anyway. I don't really think they will sell
but- who knows?
I also wonder if they disrupt the groove, the flow (whatever there is of it) of
the other pieces in the shop. I wonder if that turns a buyer off, seeing both
Jeckyl and Hyde sides of an artist.
Who knows?
I've spent too much time pondering about the shop and what will make it
successful on even a small level.
(Something I swore I wouldn't do, but I can be rather obsessive by nature)
What are the best selling days and times? Besides the obvious weekends.
If I shrink the oddities (because of there blatant, loud use of color and weirdness)
do they have a better shot at selling?
Do the little Thumbnails catch the buyer's attention first- or is Titles that
tickles their fancy?
Why is it that some artists attract so many sales when they're work,
at least to me, seems just as odd, or on the other side of the
spectrum, just seems bland, or gerneric.
Who knows?
I do know I don't like feeling this way. I do know that it's important to me
to make this shop work and be successful on some level.
Not only because I really need the income, but also because I need to
feel that what I'm doing is worthwhile. I need to PROVE it to myself and my family.
I need to feel that all the time I spend painting, clipping, and pasting like some little
mental patient in need of therapy,
is not for nil.
I know-we do art because we have to. It's who we are. We do it for us.
Yet, sometimes that's just not enough for me.
And so here I am, still stuck wondering...
"What Colors Today Will Bring"
Who knows?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

DARE to be...MeMe

"Dare To Be Hard To Forget" D. Altaville c.2007
Seemed appropriate to put this journal page up since I have been tagged by
Bad Kitty (You Bad Woman!) for a 5 Things About MeMe.
Okay, don't know how interesting this will be as I am still waking up. So on that note...
1. I am not a morning person. I like to wake to the world slowly.
2. I have incredibly vivid dreams, of which I can remember 6 mornings out of 7.
They are usually action packed, which may explain why it takes me so long to
wake up and come alive! lol
3. I don't like summer. I do like summer nights however.
4. I ran away to Detroit at 16.
5. I sometimes wear fingerless gloves in the house (in winter people!)
as my hands tend to get cold, even tho the rest of me is warm.
And since we are on the subject of me me....some people have asked about
my journal pages and why they don't have words.
Well, that's because I usually do the journaling part on the opposite page.
But as you can see from the piece above I am experimenting with adding some
words on the actual visual page.
And there you have it! I now tag...Nancy Baumiller, Wasp Goddess, My Heart My Art.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Hanging From A Limb

"Hanging From A Limb, Ready To Leap"
That pretty much sums up how I feel today.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday's Hope & Wisdom

"The Lord is faithful to all his promises
and loving toward all he has made.
The Lord upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down."
taken from Psalm 145
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do
and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3

Saturday, March 10, 2007


All those colorful wonders are now up for sale at etsy!! So come take a peek!
Add Some Joy To Your Life TODAY With Art From Art n Joy!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Queen

"Queen Of Hearts" D.Altaville c.2007
Apparently she was at the Hearts party last night too. (If you haven't a clue, just see the post below). Anyhooo....I believe she will be traveling to etsy next. So if you would like to have her visit YOUR home, check out my etsy shop this weekend.
I can even customize her with a name or quote if you like.
Just click on the Art n Joy link to the right at BlueJude Central.
Boy, it was SOME party! Those Hearts people sure do know how to live it up.
Odd hats, lot's of veggie was out of this world!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Party Last Night??

"The Hearts Had Some Party Last Night" D. Altaville c.2007
You Should Have Been There.

Requests Anyone...

WaspGoddess has kindly requested a Cat Woman from the BlueJude Studio. This is good. I like requests, I like a challenge. SOooooo my little blogging friends, if you have something in mind that you would like to see in a BlueJude Original, feel free to let me know.
You will be under no obligation to purchase the piece when it is finished, if it does not suit you and tickle your fancy.
The etsy shop has opened!!!! It is called Art n Joy and the link is to the right, of course. There are only two pieces up at the moment as I ran out of time and energy yesterday. But there will be much more art to come over the next few days. So take a peek and tell me what you think!
I personally think the prices are very reasonable. But I am open to any critiques and suggestions.
I'll be back later with more eye candy!
Requests anyone???

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Catching Up...

Well, it's like Alaska here today and the wind is HOWLING! I am trying to catch up and get so many things done. And one thing for sure is that I am updating my links TODAY!! If I missed someone, please let me know. AND I am opening a NEW etsy shop. New shop. So that should be up soon and all my journal pages will be there!
Also, a kind blogging friend mentioned that I should let you all know that you can order art directly from me as well. So consider it official!!
Anyone interested in owning a BlueJude Original Print just contact me via e-mail at Yes the journal pages will be in print form as they were created using both traditional and digital mixed media and collage.
And of course you can always request something from my past works at the Galleries of
And there you have it. I'm off to update those links now! Happy Tuesday! Thanks for the kind compliments and inspiration. I love my blogging friends.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


"I Have No Home But Me" D.Altaville c.2007
The title is actually a quote from Anne Truitt that I love.

Friday, March 02, 2007


This is what I get
when I try to paint my love to you
Overflowing color
with the light peeking through.
There is no beginning
as there is no end
You won't see any order
just the feelings of a friend.
You see, my love
takes many shapes and forms.
The lines are sometimes broken
as sometimes hearts are torn.
It may seem chaotic
as life can often be
You see, my love
won't fit neatly on the page,
it has no boundaries.
It mat seem naive,
not a fine piece of art.
The technique might be slightly off
as are matters of the heart.
But please take it as a token,
a reminder of a friend,
who holds you close
within her soul
until the very end.
D. Altaville c.2000
This is a from a card I made for my hub way back in 2000. I came across it recently, in the archives and thought it fit well with the Artwords Poetry theme.
Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend!