Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Me...? Weird...?

Okay, having been tagged by Nancy B. to write nine weird things about I go!
1. I have driving neurosis. Don't drive on major highways, heavy snow or rain, or night.
2. I like my dishwasher loaded a particular way...all the time!
3. I hate cooking.
4. I kept my first son out of the supermarket for the first year of his life, for fear that something would fall on his little baby head!
5. I don't like weddings.
6. I MUST watch the Weather Channel every morning with my coffee. The hub will ask me an hour later what the weather is going to be and sometimes I don't have a clue! lol
7. I don't like summer.
8. I don't like sweets.
9. I am prone to anxiety attacks.
10. I could probably list more weird things!
And there you have it! Hope everyone has a weirdly good day!


winnsangels said...

Anxiety attacks ~ that's not weird. I thought it was terribly normal.
Uh, you said you don't like sweets ~ I HOPE that doesn't include chocolate. Now THAT would be weird.

Love you.

PennyBlue said...

No chocolate, cake, cookies or candy. MAYBE once a year. I might have some ice cream!
Thanks tanaya, sometimes the driving thing, drives my hub nuts! (And my kids) What can I say I grew up in MAnhattan for 30 years and I guess I'm just not a "driver".

Suzie Q said...

What is it that makes us all anxious, I wonder? We all seem to have that in common...
Afraid I can't share in your dislike of sweets, though, Darcy! I would live on them if they had vitamins in them! Shame on me!
I love this weirdness thing, and am surprised at how un-weird you all are so far! I daren't get started! ;D
Have a great weekend, Darcy. Hope to see more posts from you soon...

Anonymous said...

Love getting to know you better through this! I think we all have neuroses like these!

monique said...

ok, you're driving thing? I have that EXACTLY. I don't think it's weird, although I must admit you are the *only* person I have ever run across that has the same driving issues I do LOL