Wednesday, October 04, 2006


When I am creating art...I usually am inspired by thoughts and ideas for future pieces, of which I am always jotting down in various notebooks.
And then again, sometimes I just have this little inner dialogue going, with random thoughts - that sometimes get spoken the dog mostly, who is always underfoot and quite a good listener.
I jotted some down the other night, why I don't know. But then I thought it would be very cool to hear what goes through the minds of other artists while doing their art.
Sooo.....on that note, if you are reading this...consider yourself officially TAGGED for...
"Five Thoughts I Had While Creating Last Night" (here's mine)
1. WOW, this sucks!!
2. Okay, what now?
3. My backgrounds are AWESOME!!
4. Need more blue and yellows paint and*&!
5. Switch the Witch and the Cat? Naahhhh.

So as you see, they don't have to be Just your random thoughts. You might be wondering why I didn't share a pic of what I ws working on. Well, I was working on more than one thing. But feel free to add a pic to your own blog. OKay GO For It! When you're creating today, or tonite, or tomorrow, just jot down your 5 thoughts as you go. And then share! I can't wait to see the results!


Terri Stegmiller said...

Oh Darcy, Darcy, Darcy. What are we going to do with you? LOL! Wow this is a challenge. Okay...I'll have to be more aware of my thoughts next time I craft. Check back with me later.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I am fairly aware of what's runnin' through my brain since I'm hyper-critical of myself.

So - I was able to do your challenge today! :) I just posted my cards from last night and what was running in my head!

Lisa said...

Cool idea. I'm usually thinking of something that has nothing to do with what I'm doing. lol but I'll pay attention and do this is a day or two. :)

winnsangels said...

Fun stuff for sure. Thanks for tagging me.

LadyTulip said...

~~ Usually my thots are: Whether the dog is gonna EVAH stop scratching....wonderin' if my paint colors really do compliment or distract from each' whether or not The Husband is gonna remember to stop an' get somethin' at the grocery store...

Guess I need to reconsider what's runnin' thru my head!!

Paulette Insall ~ Reflecting Colors of the Soul said...

hee hee...That first one is my #1 thought too. LOL! The other one is..."Well this is looking pretty good, but it needs something else...what that is, I have no idea!" I'll have to pay closer attention next time I'm out in the studio because I can't remember anything else...think I mostly have the inner dialogue thing going most of the time.