Sometimes my kids just blow me away! So I thought I'd share some pics of my wonderful, creative, smart, talented children and some of the wonderful things they say. This pic of my sons was taken almost two years ago, but is still one of my favorites. Here are a couple of things that my older son shared with me recently.
"Speaking to you guys (meaning, us, his parents) is like fishing in a pond with all the fish in the world. You never know what you're going to come out with."
Then just last night, he told me this: "True gratification comes from making everyone else happy. Temporary gratification comes from just trying to make yourself happy."
The other pic is of my daughter on last year's Halloween when she was a "Fallen Angel".
She is an avid writer and like me, uses words in her art, and often impresses me with her own original quotes. Here is a recent one: "I am as deep and twisted as a willow tree but as bright and free as a bird's song." (I am definately using that one in one of my art pieces! Hey I have rights! After all I am the mom or King Muter as she calls me (Tho I don't know if that is the right German spelling for Mother)
And my little rock n roller up there on the left, well that was two years ago also, but he's still as cute as ever. Those blonde curls and big blue eyes, save us all from wanting to clobber him at times, as he is quite mischeivous. Some of his favorite sayings are "Time is down." (I guess because he hears "time is up" so often.) And when referring to the past he says "Just like on the other yesterday" which cracks my daughter up. "I'm outta here" that's when his patience has run out. And the best one is "Ghostie Lukas did it!!" This is reserved for all the times when he does something he shouldn't have, which is quite often so we hear this a lot. lol The kid is obsessed with ghosties and pumpkins, and I mean all year long. Sooo...ghostie Lukas is his imaginary friend. And lately, he's taken to belting out God Bless America at the top of his lungs! That is, when he's not singing the Green Day songs he hears his brother and sister playing.
Yup, those are my kids. My moon and stars, my sunshine, and my rainbow. I love em to death. Now if only they came with a maid! Cheers all!