Available at http://www.artnjoy.etsy.com
This was actually a special request piece I did for someone who has a shop on etsy called sewn.in.love Check out her shop as she is another SAHM, trying to use her creative talents to bring in a part time income.
Sure does shout Spring...dontcha think? Anyhooo...it is a beautiful day here and I think I will be putting in my own Gerber Daisies this afternoon along with some Nasturtiums.
Life has been up and down here. Hub is still out of work, and I am on my usual emotional rollercoaster. I'll spare you the details and just say that I am trying to keep the faith and putting a lot in God's hands. And trying to keep an attitude of gratitude.
AND speaking of gratitude, I want to thank Sewing Simple on etsy for featuring me and my shop on her blog. See the post below. And by all means check out her shop.
She offers custom designs for very trendy clothes and accessories!
AND I also want to thank Groovy Vinyl on etsy for doing a feature on me at her blog here:
Groovy Vinyl is a very appropo name as the gal designs jewelry from old vinyl records!!
How cool is that! Well, find out for yourself and go to her shop on etsy. You will be amazed at what she does!
So now that I've given you plenty to do...lol...and I'm off to do some Spring cleaning!
Happy Day all! And please support artists on etsy when you are doing a little shopping!