Sunday, May 31, 2009


OK heres some good news! My wonerful oldest son, got all his college apps in- on his own...applied to like 6 colleges- got accepted to them all, as well as some scholarship money....AND the final result is- he is going to a college in upstate NY which offered him mucho scholarship money for all 4 years! And with grants and aid he got it all covered! I am so proud of him!! He really is one terriffic kid!!
My biggest prayer now is that God provides us with all we need so that we can continue living in this house for another year- as this is my daughters last year of H.S. (I'm actally applying for state mortgage assistance AGAIN- praying it will go through this time round now that hub has some kind of job)
AND with Jesse going off to college it will be a MAJOR adjustment for his 2 siblings so I don't want to have to disrupt their world even further. (Of course its gonna tug at my heartstrings too!) I know its gonna break the little guys heart too.
It seems, My hubs job is only 28 hours a week during the first three months training period. SO I am still sending out an SOS for any contributions while we get through this and play catch- up and try and get a foothold on things.
My son knows I cant get him any elaborate graduation gift, but I sure would like to give him SOMETHING, he worked hard for this and he certainly deserves it-but we have no extra funds right now. We are having a small barbecue with family and friends cause at least my food stamps will cover that! (:
SO any help at all is much appreciated via Paypal to
AND all prayers are welcome. The power of prayer is mighty. Thanks for any help you can give us. Hope everyone is off to a wonderful summer and hope to catch up with all soon!
Big bluejude hugs!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life Goes On...

Ok here's just a quick update as kids will be home soon. I still have my part-time job. YAY! AND my hub FINALLY found a good stady job at 35 hours a week, working in a factory. However it doesn't start till May's end and we are barely squeaking by. I have some bills due and I need a major financial blessing to get me through the next couple of weeks, until we see that second paycheck. As I have a heat/electric bill due, water bill coming up, etc. SO PLEASE HELP US IF YOU CAN! Hopefully this is my last SOS for financila contributions. ANYTHING AT ALL, no matter how small can help us! You can use PayPal to
THANKS ALL! I MISS EVERYONE and will update more as soon as I can. Blessings and Big Hugs!