Friday, January 18, 2008

Stretching and Reaching

Just some unfinished pieces from the year's end of the Journal of 2007. I'm not sure what to make of them. They're very raw, almost scary, but still there's something I like about them, even though they are yet to be complete.
I need to get a new journal to kick off 2008. If only I had thought of this before my dear hub left for WalMart. (Yes, I prefer the cheap coil bound kind, as I get pretty down and dirty with them! No respect I tell ya! lol) And I guess like everyone else, I can't help but wonder what 2008 will hold for me, creatively speaking. I want to try and let go of the unfinished works of 2007, just let them be, as I really have no inclination to finish up most of them. Yet it gnaws at me to leave them that way. Maybe something from childhood, and being taught to finish one task before starting another. But this is art, right? Not a chore to be done. So I am going to try and go forward, uninhibited, and let the colors and paper, and paint land where it may, trusting that it is a path unfolding, leading me to new discoveries and hopefully, joyful destinations. Knowing too, that this is my therapy. This is good for my soul. That is the plan. And I will try and keep my emotional rollercoaster parked-so it cannot interfere with the neccesity of diligently showing up, most evenings, to let it all out on canvas and paper, whatever IT may be. Yes, this is my plan. Hopefully, life won't throw us too many curve balls this year and I will attain the mondo beyondo words of the post below, though so many times they seem like brightly lit stars, beyond my grasp. Stars to be reached for. Stretching and Reaching. Yes, this is my plan. Creative wishes all! Reach for your stars.


p said...

i like the yellow one..i like the direction of more you raw...more pure feeling out of your own hand. i look forward to seeing more from you :)

p said...

after reading your comment on my blog i came back to wag my flag at YOU. i support you my friend...i encourage you to keep going forward and experimenting with new works. i can't speak for anyone else but i prefer them over collage and i cannot wait to see more of this type of work. there is so much in you, let it out and be free.

turquoise cro said...

o! O! dARCY! I LOVE these scary gals!!! Keep them coming!!! I've been wanting to make some ugly women but just haven't gotten around to it! tee hee Happy Sunday!

Heather said...

I like them both as least I wouldn't mess with them anymore myself. I like that they are raw and little off from center...they are perfect that way.

Just wanted to stop by and say hello and let you know I was thinking of you! Now go paint something!

PennyBlue said...

yes, scary...(sigh). I can't seem to make lovely little faces. They have to go off the page and saw their rawness. I don't like them going off the page. I want to contain them with a border. Hmmm...what does it all mean? I reflection of me having no self-containment? lol WHAT DOES IT MEAN? OK I'll be quiet now! Thanks ladies for the input.

turquoise cro said...

Darcy!!! These faces are mysterious and INSPIRATIONAL!!! YOU LOOK at them, especially their eyes and wonder what they are thinking! Not everyone wants a lovely face and not everyone has a lovely face! I've tried with those faces you're talking about and I just can't seem to capture them either soOoOOOOoooO I make my faces, sooOoOOOo keep making your faces! They are DELIGHTFUL!!! I LOVE them! I'll be LOOKING for some postcards girly!!!tee hee

Heather said...

Yes I think it might have a little to do with you feeling not self contained, but feeling un-contained. (just as scary, no boundries, no limits!) You don't put borders on creativity, just as you can't capture a soul in a butterfly net. Let go Darcy...Love these faces, and your inner artist too, feed us more of your wonderful-ness!

p said...

wow i would have never thought the word 'ugly' for these works. they are ralphelesque and picasso-y-. they are strong strong women with near alabaster strength. i find them beautiful.

PennyBlue said...

Thanks STA, you may be one of the rare few.