Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I've Been Awarded!

I was given this Rockin Girl Blog Award by Bad Kitty (Thank You Very Much) and now I must pass it along to five other people. SO here are some of my ROckin Blogger Girlfriends!

Katie Kendrick, Garden Painter Art, Turquoise Cro Thyme, Self Taught Artist, Windy Angels

Now you all must pass this along to five other people! Have Fun!

Of course I think all the people on my blog links rock, but there's my picks for now!

Happy Tuesday!


Gerushia's New World said...


Thanks so much for the Rockin Girl Award!! I'll pick my five later this afternoon.

I took a look at your new abstract shop. It looks very nice and I love the colors in your abstracts. Even though the art is so completely different than your mixed media, it still looks like your art. I love that!!

Garden Painter Art

winnsangels said...

Hi Darcy, thanks so much for the award. I hope things are going alright. I know how you would feel about having to get a job. Yuck. I'm keeping you in my prayers.
Angels be with you,
Oh, and check my most recent post. Thanks for all your visits.

p said...

thanks for the award, glad you think i'm a rocking girl blogger :)

turquoise cro said...

Phew! Thanks!!! Honey Bunny! I received this award twice now and told Kat I probably would be slow in getting the pic on my Blog of the Rockin Girl Award and the truth is I don't know when I'm going to be posting again sooooOOOOOo Thanks!!! for thinking of me sweet BlueJude!!!Darcy! I really appreciate it!!! Hope Your Blues will be fading soon! I'm still fighting mine!UG! What a boat to be in together, huh??? tee hee Let's hope and pray to board another boat soon! (((((Darcy))))))