Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cover Girl

"LISTEN" D.Altaville c.2006
I'm a cover girl! This piece made the cover of the Summer Issue of ARTitude!
And I have to say the issue is simply faboo. Lot's of good stuff and eye candy.
My daddy use to say that people who talk the most, usually have the least to say.
And I sometimes feel that people do talk to much, when they really need to listen more. (Myself included!) Listening is so important. It's learning, it's caring, it's inspiring.
And of course you can have your very own print of "LISTEN" by going to Abstract Joy on etsy here:
Happy Day All! And remember to listen to those around you, show them that you care. Listen to the sounds of music and nature and be inspired. Listen.


LadyTulip said...

**Look At You!!** Cover Girl!! Wow!!
I'm so proud of you!! Way to go kiddo!

Hoping the rest of the week is great for you.


p said...

congrats! what an honor bluejude...suck it up, inhale and blow out all that goodness in your studio area :) may art flow freely from your mind/spirit/hands and heart.

turquoise cro said...

WOOT!!!! I am impressed!!! Congrats!!! Bluejude the sweetest cover girl I know!!!! Love the colors in that piece!!!! It's a SPLASH!!! hehe

Fran S said...

Congrats! You go girl!!! Awesome news! xoxo, Fran

Heather said...

Congrat's my friend, Congrat's!
I love this work...and you are so right about listening. It's not just listening...it's actively listening...hearing with the soul that we all need more of. Happy day to you Blue!

Gerushia's New World said...

Oh Darcy, how exciting to be published. It's a wonderful, inspiring and colorful piece and all the congratulations I have go to you!!

Garden Painter Art

Lia (artjunkgrl) said...

Beautiful artwork. Very wise advice. I'm going to try to listen more, what a beautiful message to match the artwork!
I'm so excited for you! Strike a pose, covergirl!!!
xo Lia

winnsangels said...

YAY! COVER GIRL! I am so impressed. The message is WONDERFUL! As are you.
Angels be with you,
Wendy XO

Lisa said...

I'm so tickled for you!!! Way to go, my friend.

Zorana said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! The cover looks great and the message is something that we should pay attention to...

Unknown said...

I'm a little late with the congrats!!! I have the issue and the cover is beautiful! Hope you are able to find time to create!!! Hugs, Gail, ES