Monday, August 13, 2007

Passages Of Time

"Love's Lost Innocence" by D. Altaville c.2007
Well, my first born son turned 16 yesterday. Whew! And the little guy just turned 5 at July's end. SO, He will be going off to Kindergarten soon, while the other one will be off to get his driving permit. It's all so bittersweet. Especially with summer almost over, I find myself getting rather melancholy, as another school year starts, another passage of time.
I have always been fortunate enough to be a stay at home Mom, and now I am finally free to have days to myself to devote to my painting and creating. But that doesn't seem to be in the cards. But we have fallen on some hard times, so alas and alack, as Murphy's Law would have it, I will probably have to look for some kind of part-time job during the day.
Yes, I know I should be thankful that I have had it so well all these years. And I am.
But still I would rather spend my days painting and really putting 110% into my art.
I guess we'll just have to see what Autumn brings.


turquoise cro said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Darcy's SWEET sons!!! Cool collage girly!!!((((Darcy)))))

Heather said...

nice work my friend! Check out for that part time job gig...they are hiring and you can work from home. Working isn't to bad on the art, just makes you appreciate the time you do have and when you are free to make art that isn't about making money you may find that your art time is more fun...maybe! Love to you. :)

Judy Wise said...

You are very clever. I think some work should come to you that you can do from home and still be with your little one. I'm hoping for that as I think you can pull it off. Your art is wonderful; put on that thinking cap!

I wish you well, I just dislike the word "job".