Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fool's Gold

HALLO ALL! I received my copy of "Fool's Gold; Making Something From Nothing and Freeing Your Creative Process" by Susan G Woodridge.YOU MUST GET THIS BOOK! I mean like now! I am only about 50 pages into it but I know so many of you will LOVE this book. It's the type of book that you don't want to put down, yet you want to savor every word, and don't want it to end. AND then you'll wanna read it again. She also wrote a book called Poem Crazy years ago which is also good. But Fool's Gold is a MUST HAVE! Ok so off you go now to your nearest bookstore or book site and get yourself a copy!
It even inspired me enough to get out of my slump and start painting again last night!


LadyTulip said...

OK!! The Direct Order has been issued!!

~~ Now I absolutely MUST go and find this book at the' I'm not a "Mall Person" but if your saying this is one good read, well, then who am I to argue!!

Have a good Wednesday!!


Ellene McClay said...

I LOVE getting new, inspiring craft books. I will have to check this one out~

mormar said...

Ha, I just received my copy on Monday, I love it.

Attack of the Vintage said...

Glad to see you found your inspiration!! Now I can't wait to see your creations!!

I will keep this book in mind, but I have made a point of not buying any more books, just getting everything at the library. That way my house and life isn't being cluttered by stuff!!

Gerushia's New World said...


I'm so glad to hear that you are over your slump!! I wish I could get to that point. Although, I did have a little sparkle of interest last night as I walked past my studio table. Nothing happened, but there was that little spark....

Garden Painter Art