Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thank You!

"Summer Rose" by D.Altaville c.2007
Available at Art n Joy on etsy!
THANK YOU all so much for you're input and encouragement on my last post!
I am so lucky to have such wonderful blogging friends.
So yes, I am going ahead with the idea, and hopefully will have it all together by Monday.
I apologize if I have not been frequenting your blogs as much, (or posting here as much for that matter), but I guess like everyone else, I've been doing the outdoor thang!
Which brings me to my brick! lol I got them delivered the other day and though they are not the old, old brick I was hoping for they will do just fine and best of all they were free!
So now you know what I'll be doing next week! lol
As they are calling for rain the next few days here.
AND I have been one lazy artist! Working at a snail's pace. Hey, at least I'm honest. lol
But this Rose is for you all my wonderful, talented and creative friends.
Thanks again and have a happy one!


Heather said...

Yippee for bricks! Go for it, in life and business...just do it. :)

LadyTulip said...

** Have fun with the old bricks!! **

We've discovered some old bricks here and there in our yard. Very cool find!!

Now if I can get help setting them out in the garden beds!! lol


turquoise cro said...

Yayyyyy! Darcy!!! Have FUN bricking and arting!!! HAPPY week-end honey! xoCinda

Evie said...

Love this rose, Darcy!!! And happy brick-brack,
Evie xx

winnsangels said...

Wonderful rose. Such vibrant colours.
Bricks can be such fun. hoping they bring (brought) you joy.
Wendy XO

Gledwood said...

Hey it's funny you say you feel at your LEAST creative over the summer: many people say the exact opposite... suppose it must come down to those sneezeworthy allergies!!
Found you quite at random from the comments of a blog that popped up when I pressed "next" (how obscure it THAT?) ... (It was called Lavenderfunkstudios.blogspot, if you're interested ...)
I'm at gledwood2.blogspot if you wanna see me you're welcome.
This is a great blog you've got here!
Take it easy and all the best ...
Gledwood "vol 2" ...