Sunday, March 18, 2007


Are you spring cleaning, organizing, redecorating? Or perhaps you're not quite there yet and JUST feel the need for a jolt of Spring. You feel the need for a little Spring in your step and a little Spring in your life. Well, come on by Art n Joy today and see the little lovelies that I will be putting up that just shout Spring!!
Really. I'm buried in snow, have a chest cold- AGAIN- and they even make me smile when I look at them. So stop on by and check 'em out!
Just click on the Art n Joy link to the right!
See ya there.....


Maija said...

I wish you could warm up's 99 degrees and sunny!

Waspgoddess said...

I love the little chick :)

It's sunny and gorgeous here, until you step outside that is, when this nasty arctic wind hits you and makes you want to burrow under the duvet.

Hope you'll feel better soon.

Lisa said...

Really springey! Hope you feel better soon.

p said...

Hey Blue Jude,
sure put my link up here and I will trade ya :)
thanks for the comments...
you can delete this if you want, just wanted to get back at ya.

p said...

i like your vast street team blog too, if my link is appropriate there instead? you decide :)

Heather said...

Hey are you feeling any better yet? It's cold and yucky here too...BAH! I love the store though it's looking really good!

BLuRr said...

Yes! I have this...spring always does this to me. :)

Here via BAD! Kitty. :-D

daisies said...


what a great jolt of spring

Fran S said...

Your enthusiasm is amazing, considering the snow! Come to Phoenix! It's 90 this afternoon!