Monday, March 26, 2007

Here's To Good Fortune

"The Gypsy Fortune Teller" D. Altaville c.2007
A new journal page that I put up on Art n Joy at etsy. I like this one.
It was a very busy, creative weekend. This is good. My cough is still here. This is not good.
It is wearing me out! Do you think you can die from coughing? lol
Anyhooo....Hope everyone has Good Fortune coming their way this week!


Lisa said...

This is so awesome! I love it. Everything you do is unique, yet YOU. Just love it.

turquoise cro said...

HOPE you have the good fortune to get rid of that nasty cough this week sugar!!! I hate to have a cough, I have to take cough drops to church because sure enough I'll get a little hotsy and start coughing! UG! LOL YOU are sure on a great creative roll aren't YOU? Is Spring your favorite season???!!! LOL HAPPY Monday! xoCinda

p said...

I really like the energy in your work...the colors are so vibrant there is an instant feeling of happy! (wool scarf round the neck..suck on jolly ranchers and drink 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper at least 90units 300 if possible, in a small glass of water. the cayenne will stop it instantly...but I'm no doctor so I'm not recommending anything. Just what has worked for me)
feel better! humidifier or vaporizer at bed. ...oops I did it again. I'm not docotr. I'm only saying what works for me.... :)

p said...

ps. i LOVE the 4 corners of l o v e
what size is this piece?

PennyBlue said...

I think it's about 8" x 10"!

Heather said...

Simply always amaze me.

Gypsy Purple said...

Oh wow...this is stunning!!!!
Love it
Like you blog....wil definitely visit often....thanx

Waspgoddess said...

This is a gorgeous entry, fabulous colours.

I hope your cough is getting better. When I was in Sweden a few weeks ago I saw coltsfoot peeking out where the snow had melted. Coltsfoot is indicated for coughs, which is interesting considering it appears very early in the year when many people suffer from coughs and colds. Another good one is tea made from thyme (particularly for irritable coughs). I'm not giving medical advice here, just remembering some stuff I learnt when studying years ago.

Judy Scott said...

this is another wonderful piece, I love the lady's face, the background rocks ~ contemplate and be wise ~ very good advice. x Judy x

Attack of the Vintage said...

As always I really like your work!!Just sorry I don't get around to checking in more often.
About that cough. I am a firm believer in nettle and ginger root tea to cure you of your lung problems. Just infuse the two together and let steep for at least 3 minutes. Drink about a quart a day until your cough disappears. Shouldn't take long. I had mold in my lungs a few years back and almost cashed it in and it only took me about 3-4 days to clear up!!!