Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Works In Progress....

This is just one of many works in progress I have going right now. These pieces hover over me from various nooks, and stare at me throughout the day, whispering thoughts of neglect. Like a broken doll, waiting to me mended and whole, they complain and cry out to be complete.
They have already told me what it is they need...what it is they are missing, but unfortunately what I'm missing, is about six extra hours to a day.
"I know, I know", I say, as I pass them by, "but just look at those dust demons (they are beyond bunnies at this point!) and that laundry there that has to be folded. You think this is easy?"
They just stare back and I know what they're thinking. You foolish woman, if only you would organize your time more. Work at a faster pace. Spend more time with us. Why do you think we come to haunt you in your dreams? You know you are GUILTY!
I just sigh and wonder which chore to conquer next. And then I think about that winning lottery ticket that I need so that I can have someone else do the dirty work and I can spend my days with my creations, guilt free. And spend entire evenings with my children, guilt free.
But a struggling artist must learn to juggle. And so I hop from one thing to the next, amidst a house of littered chaos.
A deadline, I thought today. That's what I need. A deadline. So I have sworn and vowed to myself that these poor orphan pieces, will be complete...FINITO! Sunday.
Now hopefully tonight, I can sleep guilt free and dream of new creations to come! Sweet Dreams All!


PennyBlue said...

Yeah, maybe a bit of Nancy rubbin off on me!

Suzie Q said...

Hi Darcy, I love this post - it's like a description of the goings-on in my mind sometimes, except I don't have the strength to set myself deadlines! I just take one look at the mess surrounding me and then either go out & ignore it or sit blinkered at the computer and ignore it! Occasionally, I'll get some washing done & maybe even get it in off the line before it gets wet again! ;) I could go on, but instead I'll wish you every success with meeting that target - I can't wait to see some of the results...

Good Luck, and Happy Creating :)

Q xXx

Terri Stegmiller said...

Love this post too. Don't let household chores hold you back...if you are in the creativity mode then you have to honor it, otherwise, you'll get cranky. Believe me, I know!